This 4.7m boat trailer is a strong but lightweight trailer suitable for most boats between 13ft (3.95 metres) to 15ft (4.7 metres) long with a vee hull. With fully adjustable rear quad wobble rollers, an intermediate set of adjustable dual wobble rollers and keel rollers, this trailer will suit most alloy and fibreglass hulled boats. Launching and retrieving of your boat at the ramp, just got a whole lot easier and quicker!
Distance between the guards is 1850mm and overall length from the coupling to the rear quad rollers is just over 5 metres.
The boat trailer plans include details of the winch post shown in the pictures above, and also two fully adjustable winch posts to adapt to different bow and winch eyelet setups.
The trailer is suitable for boats up to 600kgs although if the tyre and spring specifications are uprated, boats up to a maximum of 800kgs can be towed.
Disc Brakes can be fitted if required but wider guards will need to be fitted to compensate for the additional room the braking hardware will take up.
Details are included for fabricating your own wobble roller arms and supports that will potentially save you hundreds of dollars. "Off the shelf" roller setups can be fitted in place if you are reluctant to build your own.
The trailer plans include details for preparing the trailer for galvanising (a must for salt water boating).
For Australian residents, please be aware of new Australian Design Rule regulations - check here before purchasing trailer plans or building any new trailer